
Profile: haik


User posts

9 years ago

Hello NOP-T,

I'd like to upgrade the CZ (v1.0.2) that came with the Lighthouse Theme. The current version of CZ is 3.1 and sports many improvements.  I tried a simple JS and CSS file swap and then performed a 'build', and the result was not usable.
Any help upgrading to CZ 3.1 is very much appreciated.


Nevermind! :-)
I just found that you've already considered this need/want. In ....\Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\Lighthouse\Views\Catalog\_ProductBox.cshtml
I simply uncommented the button on LN:68 and commented below button (and arg) to swap "add to cart" for "details"

Piece of cake... thanks to your good work!!!


Use case: My products are too complicated to buy without seeing the Product Page.

Is it possible to have the Product Box "Add To Cart" button be swapped out for a "Go To Product (page)" button?

I realize that just clicking the Product Box does this already, but I'd like the UX to be a click-thru to the Product Page using the button too.
