
Profile: bsohn


User posts

2 years ago

OK so upon further investigation the issue seems to be somewhat within NopCommerce itself in the way it deals with breadcrumbs.. However still curious if there is any sort of fix for Version 4.5.. As it really messes up the functionality of the Prev/Next..

What I have determined is that NopCommerce if there are multiple categories on the product it takes and uses the FIRST alphabetically that is set (doesn't even do it by display priority) and it uses that first one for ALL breadcrumbs regardless of the refereeing category. 

There is another company out there that has a plug-in that will allow setting of a Default Base Category overriding that First Alphabetically which is an OK work around as that can be set for the category with the better product BASE, but there has to be something better which would fix this long term (as it appears) NopCommerce issue with being able to change that to the referreing breadcrumb at least when using the forward Next so the system stays within category.

2 years ago

Deni wrote:

We are really thinking now of the best implementation of this functionality and we will soon come up with the solution. Thanks for your suggestions!

Any solve to this issue?? I have just got this plugin and the issue still exists however MY issue has to do with the fact that it works partially I.e. I have Multiple categories for some products which are in two different categories so when it rotates to a product with a change in the breadcrumb based category it actually CHANGES the Next/Pervious section causing it to get locked to the new category and never scrolling back through the original location.

I know the NOP breadcrumb category preference for a product comes with how things are set in the display order of the categories so it assumes the Parent category is the one with a lower display number. 

That is HOW I can get things to work correctly BUT that messes up other things..

2 years ago

I am working with this theme at the moment and noticed that the Sub Category menus are not displaying the items in the Manner that I would expect according to the Primary Nop settings.. 

In Inspecting the HTML source I noticed that the theme always put's the .sublist items above the .Sublist-wrap items (items with another menu)..

Is there any way to alter this behavior as I would like the items to not be reordered based on whether they have additional sub Categories or NOT. Though I can see why that is beneficial at the TOP Level to the design. It is not so much a benefit in the sub-menus.

2 years ago

Would it be possible OR does it already exist to make the Pop-up ONLY "pop-up" on the site landing page.. Right now it pops up on every page if someone doesn't choose to not show again and just closes the window?