
Profile: adca


User posts

4 years ago

I am using 4.1 since February. In my installation there is no setting key named sevenspikescommonsettings.lazyloadimages. When i add manually there is no difference.

I just download 4.2 theme. I searched this setting key and nothing.
I searched also emporiumthemesettings.lazyloadimages key and i found one usage at .\Emporium\Views\Shared\_ProductBox.cshtml

like this:

var lazyLoadImages = settingService.GetSettingByKey("EmporiumThemeSettings.LazyLoadImages", false, storeId, true);

Similar code is in 4.1 version. May be i am missing something but also there will be a bug in there. Because when i switched this setting something happening: dissapper all images???

4 years ago

I am using nopcommerce 4.1.

That setting was not added. I add with True value. And nothing changed.

I checked the code: in 4.1 and 4.2 versions. All of them uses same setting key: EmporiumThemeSettings.LazyLoadImages

Even there is no setting key starts with sevenspikescommonsettings

4 years ago

Is this theme has lazy loading product images feature? I assumed there is, because theme demo looks good. But in production mode theme downloads all images same time. I have found a setting that named: emporiumthemesettings.lazyloadimages
Setting value is False. When i switched to true, all images show empty. I guess there is a lazy loading feture but i could not configure.

How to activate this feature?