

  • 26917 2018-04-23

    Fixed an issue with the header noticed only when the site loading is slow i.e slow internet connection etc.

  • 26114 2018-01-02

    Share buttons should be visible only when the "ShowShareButton" setting is enabled

  • 26034 2017-12-14

    Removed unnecessary hidden input from the _CategoryLine.TopMenu.cshtml view.

Plugins included in the theme

  • Nop Ajax Filters

    • 26231 2018-01-24

      When Infinite Scroll is enabled and you scroll several pages down and visit a certain product page and then hit the Back button, you will now go back to the same product in the list of products (rather than to the top of the catalog page).

  • Nop Quick View

    • 26426 2018-02-23

      The Notify me when available button in the Quick View is now working. The problem was introduced in the upgrade to 4.0. The script which handles the button click was not loaded.

Other plugins not included in the theme

  • Nop One Page Checkout

    • 26005 2017-12-11

      Unify breakpoints for the themes where it is possible ( removed 980, 1001)

  • Nop Rich Blog

    • 26008 2017-12-11

      Corrected CSS syntax error which was breaking the bundling

  • Nop Smart Product Collections

    • 26787 2018-04-04

      Improved markup and styling for the new mobile navigation in custom product collections. Now both Category and Product Collections have their tab navigation displayed in drop-downs on mobile devices thus a lot of space is saved which greatly improves the user experience on mobile devices.