Don't underestimate the online shopper. Buyers usually go online with a particular idea of what they look for. A dress, casual, size S, in green, by brand Z, for example, is a very specific query. Shoppers want to get to the right product fast. And store owners want to meet their expectations because in this race against time, every second counts. With the Nop Ajax Filters plugin for nopCommerce time is on your side because what you have here is an extremely fast and powerful filtering capability. What's more, shoppers can filter by price, manufacturer, specifications, and even attributes.
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  • With the lightning-fast Ajax Filters plugin, shoppers can filter by price, manufacturer, vendors, product specifications, and product attributes. Additionally, an "On Sale" filter is available for all promotion lovers.
  • Live preview.
Ajax Filters plugin Features -  filter by price, manufacturer, vendors, specifications, and attributes
  • The store owners can display product filters on the category, manufacturer, vendor, and search pages on their nopCommerce store.
Ajax Filters plugin Features - integrates with the category, manufacturers, vendors and search pages
  • Two UI modes available - the store owner can choose between filter checkboxes or dropdowns.
  • Live preview.
Ajax Filters plugin Features - UI mode - checkboxes or dropdowns

Part of Nop Ultimate Plugin Collection

The Nop Ultimate Plugin Collection includes 27 powerful plugins for just a fraction of their price. The collection offers the ultimate functionality for setting up a top rate eCommerce store.

ultimate plugin collection

Product specifications

  • Supported versions 2.65 - 4.80
  • Supports MSSQL and MySQL (no PostrgreSQL support)
  • RTL (Right-To-Left) Support
  • Widget Support
  • Ajax Support
  • Free Trial
  • Themeable
  • Color Squares Support
  • Razor files are open to modifications
  • 1 year of free support and upgrades since purchase date

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