
Profile: tamchu


User posts

Dear Sir:

I have added 2 slider in the same page, I want to have different size for the slider, where can I control the size? 

Best regards,

8 years ago

Dear Sir:

We have a multiple licenses, I would like to ask if I can change the name of the mega menu, since I have 2 site using the same theme, if I change from the string resources, all site will change, e.g.I want to change the name "home" to "shop", what can I do?

Best regards,

8 years ago

Dear Sir:

The theme I'm using is Alcante, we bought the multiple licenses, the slider widget I'm using is
I do try the home_page_main_slider before, and the mega menu go under the slider, it make me no choice but to use the main_column_before, then the Mega menu go back to the top, to udnerstand, can visit the page

Thanks for your great help!

Can put the megamenu on top now but the size changed, how to reamin the orginal size but not to effect the body product item?

8 years ago

Dear Sir:

What if I want to setup different menu topics for different cart but using the same theme? I don copy the theme to different theme, should I change the file in the copied folder? The version we bought is multiple version, thanks!

8 years ago

Dear Sir:

I'm using nopcommerce 3.60

I use both the Megamneu and Slider, if I put the Slider on top of the Megamenu, it show full page slider, but if I put the slider under the Megamenu, it change the size become very small, I use your theme Fashion, how can I make the Megamenu on top of the slider and the slider keep the full page size?
Thanks for your great help!