
Profile: Boyko


User posts

2 years ago

cebina wrote:
Hallo Boyko,

i did new error

Themes\Pavilion\Views\Shared\_Header.cshtml(13,37): error CS1061: 'IStoreContext' does not contain a definition for 'CurrentStore' and no accessible extension method 'CurrentStore' accepting a first argument of type 'IStoreContext' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Hi Cebina,

Please note that any old code customization you have done will need to be "upgraded" to the new version of nopCommerce. The easiest way to do it is to check where IStoreContext's CurrentStore property was used and see how it is used in the new version of nopCommerce 4.40. This way you will be able to "upgrade" it properly for 4.40.

4.4 Bugs
2 years ago

shootingsurplus wrote:
Have you guys had a chance to do the same with the rest of your themes?  Pavilion in particular?

Thank you!


Hi Wayne,

Yes, we have done this for most of our themes and especially the most popular ones i.e Pavilion, Emporium, Venture, Prisma, Avenue, Uptown, Brooklyn etc.

4.4 Bugs
2 years ago

Hi guys,

The default Ajax Filters that come with nopCommerce are already styled for the Venture theme so you can use them instead of our Ajax Filters plugin.
We have made them to look pretty much the same as our Ajax Filters so probably you don't notice the difference.
Anyway simply update the theme and you should be able to use both.

2 years ago

cebina wrote:
i already update my site to 4.40 and install new version of Pavilion theme, if i put my View and Content folder in theme folder come error, where and what am i doing wrong?


Themes\Pavilion\Views\Shared\_Root.cshtml(13,32): error CS1061: 'IStoreContext' does not contain a definition for 'CurrentStore' and no accessible extension method 'CurrentStore' accepting a first argument of type 'IStoreContext' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Hi cebina,

The error you get is a compiler error as there is no longer CurrentStore property but this code in the Pavilion theme has already been upgraded in 4.40.
Please make sure you are using the 4.40 version of the Pavilion theme.
If you have already had the Pavilion theme you just need to upgrade as explained here (no need to install anything again).

2 years ago

thurnau wrote:
All the product pages load slow, the category are mostly ok. It's when you click on a specific item and it's way too slow.

Hi thurnau,

I just browsed your website and the product pages load pretty fast compared to the other pages.
In any case if you are using nopCommerce 4.40.3 then I would advise to update it to the very latest nopCommerce 4.40.4.

2 years ago

If you have followed the documentation this means that you have done only changes that are persisted to the database i.e configuration changes to the Plugins like creating a Slider etc.
So all the changes you have done will be automatically available in 4.4.

If you have done modifications to the theme files i.e .cshtml files then you would need to make these changes again in 4.4.

2 years ago

thurnau wrote:
4.40.3 product pages are loading too slow. I had updated to the latest NOP theme per my webmaster.
The NOP Demo store is very fast without a theme, the demo store with NOP's theme is broken on the product pages.
In the NOP forums, there are 2 other people complaining about NOP running slow on the their 3.40.3 as well, and at least one of them is blaming their NOP template.  

Hi thurnau,

We haven't noticed any of the product pages on our demos (we have more than 40 demo stores) to be slow. We use the latest nopCommerce 4.40.3 version.
Could point out (provide a link) to any product page where it is loading slowly?

2 years ago

pccruiser wrote:
When will you update the ajax filter plugins to support Postgres? That is the most used and popular plugin, obviously, and key to keeping the stores up and running. Any estimate on that?

Hi pccruiser,

Actually, we don't have plans to add PostgreSQL support in the Ajax Filters plugin for now.
One of the reasons for this is that the nopCommerce team added Ajax Filters functionality out of the box in nopCommerce 4.40. So if you decide to use PostgreSQL you can use the default Ajax Filters.

2 years ago


We will need a little bit of context here.

Are your tests hitting a single page where there are some Sliders?
How many Sliders do you have on that page and with how many images?
Do you use Conditions or not?

If you could get your clients login credentials and submit a ticket on his behalf will speed up the whole process of investigation (let's start with this optimization first :)))

3 years ago

We support all the databases that nopCommerce supports.
Only the Ajax Filters plugin does not support PostgreSQL but it supports MSSQL and MySQL.