
Profile: ZNOPt3SeaportPro


User posts

10 years ago

I am having the same issue with this matter. Hopefully someone will provide an update or support soon.

Will you respond if you were able to fix this. I appreciate it.

10 years ago

Hello and thank you,

However, that does not work either.

I have attempted just about everything with little to no success.

While we paid for a support plan, NoP Templates has not answered a single support request which is just wrong.

So now we are stuck in the forums seeking assistance for a product that does not work well with the new NoP 3.10.

The mega menu is by default only available with 3 options. I have uninstalled this product 4 times now and finally I am having to revert back to the 3.0 version with great hope that this works with Mega Menu. This all would have been easily understood if NoP Templates would answer a support request for which we paid for and were about the pay the annual renewal. But what is the point of paying for support when the only follow up I get from some person late at night is about having a negative attitude. Negative attitude, really, when I am only trying to get our product to function normally.

In any event, sorry to rant on... I was hopeful someone could answer this about the Mega Menu with NoP 3.1 and the functionality.

10 years ago


Does anybody have any idea how to get the Mega Menu Plugin to work with Jewelry theme. We have been using Jewelry theme for almost a year and works well with all features.

However, with the latest update from 2.8 to 3.1 the Mega Menu does not allow for customization. For example; Home, Categories and Brands show by default, not a problem. When I add a few other menu items such as Help, Support, Company with menu features in the topic area... nothing appears, nothing happens.

We added the code @Html.Action("TopicBlock", "MegaMenu", new { systemName = "MegaMenuTopic" }) to the Plugin and adjusted the topics area to reflect our specific systemName, still nothing.

Any thoughts or assistance is greatly appreciated.