
Change default "order by" on product page

10 years ago
#2934 Quote
  • 7
How can I change the default "order by" dropdown that is on the product page?  I want to change the default to "newest" so that the newest products show up first.

I've tried doing this in the nopcommerce source code, but my changes don't take effect. I suspect that one of your plugins (ajax filters maybe) is setting the default route and I'm unable to change it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

10 years ago
#2938 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1570
chrismcbride76 wrote:
How can I change the default "order by" dropdown that is on the product page?  I want to change the default to "newest" so that the newest products show up first.

I've tried doing this in the nopcommerce source code, but my changes don't take effect. I suspect that one of your plugins (ajax filters maybe) is setting the default route and I'm unable to change it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi chrismcbride76,

What changes exactly have you made? Yes, you can't change the default sorting option in the Ajax Filters but they use reflection to read the ProductSortingEnum values when populating the available sort options. Please let me know what changes you need to be made and I will tell if it will be possible with the Ajax Filters. You can disable the Ajax Filters plugin and make sure your changes work first and then tell us what you need to be changed in the Filters.

Regards, Team