
Theme class name Not loading

9 years ago
#9198 Quote
  • 12
I have added a custom Theme class name but it's not getting added. Our nop site has been customized a fair bit, so I'm not sure if that is interfering with it, but it seems like this should be pretty independent from that. What Models or Controllers does this plugin rely on to help me troubleshoot the issue.

The plugin itself seems to load to load just fine, it's just not adding the custom class at all.
9 years ago
#9200 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 347

The class is added to this element of the slider:
<div class=slider-wrapper theme-YOUR_THEME_CLASS_NAME">

You can give a link to your site, so I can check it for you. If you do not want to expose it here, you can submit a ticket in our ticketing system.
Iliyan Tanev
Nop-Templates Dev Team