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Submit your Facebook App for review

In order to use the Social Feed plugin to display Facebook posts, you will need to get your Facebook app approved. Follow these instructions to see how to do that: 

  1. Go to your Facebook App Dashboard

  2. Go to the Basic Settings page

  3. Upload an app icon from the App Icon setting.

  4. Add the URL to your Privacy Policy in the Privacy Policy URL. You can see an example of what your privacy policy should look like here.

  5. Click on the Add Platform button on the bottom of the page and select "Website" from the popup that appears. Add your site's URL in the Site URL setting.

  6. Click on the App Review link in the side menu

  7. Click on the Start a Submission button

  8.  Check the user_posts permission in the popup that appears and click on the Add Item button.

  9. Click on the Add Details link

  10. Upload a Screencast showing how the app works. You can get the screencast from here.

  11. Choose the "Displays personalized experiences based on the content of people's Timeline posts" in "How is your App using "user_posts".

  12. Choose Web in "What platforms does your app use user_posts on?" and put in the following description: 
    The app displays the user posts on the store's public page.

  13. Click on the Submit For Review button