
Profile: Aleks


User posts

simonyan wrote:
Hi there,

QuickView Button only shown for the first product int the theme "Fashion".

Please see check theme "Fashion" in your demo web site


best regards,


Hi simonyan,

thank you for reporting this problem! We've fixed it and you can go to your account page on our website, download the latest package of the Fashion theme and replace the styles.css (Themes\Fashion\Content\CSS) file that you have with the one that you've downloaded.

martinmik wrote:
Is it possible to disable the twitter box, so we can write our own text?

Hope someone can help

Best regards


to hide the twitter section, go to Themes\Native\Views\Shared open the file _FooterUpper.cshtml and find this code and comment it by enclosing it like this @* <code> *@ or just remove it:

        <div class="footer-upper-block twitter">
            <h3 class="title">
            <div class="twitter-plugin">
                <!--include twitter plugin-->

7 years ago

WebAntics wrote:
Then look at the review of this product to see what I mean:

1. Go to SevenSpikes.Theme.Brooklyn\Styles\Less\preset.less
2. Find this line of code - .ropc .complete-button button
3. Paste this line of code right above it - .product-review-box .rating div, and upload the file to your website
4. Now go to the administration of your website and go to the Brooklyn Theme Plug-in and click Save.

It should work fine now. If it still doesn't I would suggest that you download the latest version of your theme and update the Brooklyn Theme Plug-in

7 years ago

WebAntics wrote:
I'm using nopCommerce 3.70 with the Brooklyn Theme and it looks like there is a bug with regards to product reviews and the number of stars it is rated. On the Home Page or when there is a list of products, the product review 'stars' are highlighted (eg 3/5 or 4/5 however when you go onto the product page and look under the review tab, the stars are shown next to the header but none of them are highlighted (all grey) to show the number of stars the reviewer gave the product. I see your demo is working fine but our site doesn't. Is there something that needs to be checked for it to work?


could you provide a link to your website, so that I could investigate the problem ?

mshaikhji wrote:
Ok. got it. Thanks a lot for clarification on this:)

I'm glad I could help! If you have any more questions or thoughts about the theme, you are welcome to share them. We will try our best to be of assistance :)

mshaikhji wrote:
Hi All,

I noticed that nop motion theme has not implemented the feature of showing quantity box for mobile and smartphones. 

I would like to know the reason for this and simple way of implementing same for all devices.

Thank You


there is no quantity box in the item-box element by default in nopCommerce. The quantity box comes from our AjaxCart plug-in and we've actually disabled the plug-in entirely on mobile. The reason is that it is a bad practice to have pop-ups on mobile and people shop faster than on desktop. The quantity by default is 1, so when a person wants to buy something they need to click no more than once (unless they want to buy more, or the product has attributes).

Implementing this would require heavy code modification, mostly because nopCommerce doesn't support it by default...

Post Date
7 years ago

timmather wrote:
I want to change the date displayed in blog listings from the default "Created Date" to the "Start Date" of the blog post, is that possible, if so how?


Start/End dates do not exist in the BlogPostModel, so the only thing you could use is CreatedOn.

7 years ago

europhile wrote:
Hi, even on latest 3.70, the currencyselector shows horribly clunky on every page, ruining the nice clean look of header and template. We had this in V3.50 but fixed it, although I think the code has changed. So far, I have reduced impact by fixing the styles.css reducing font from 16px to 12px - that's a relief:

        .header-currencyselector .styleSelect_item li span {
            font-size: 12px;

However, the drop-down box container is too short to hold single line text (Euro ok, but British Pound and US Dollar hit 2 lines, which then looks messy) - this need to be sized (lengthened) properly, can you advise best way to do that, thanks!


could you provide a link to your store, so that I could advise you on your specific situation ?

7 years ago

GreatAdventure wrote:
Worked perfect! Thank you for saving me a bunch of work!

You are welcome! You can also contact us through our Ticketing system, if you are ever in need of more help :)

7 years ago

hkreklame wrote:
Is it possible to show the manufacturer option in filters first? See the image for reference.


go to Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters\Views\NopAjaxFilters\NopFilters.cshtml and find this chunk of code:

        <div class="filtersPanel">

if you want the Manufacturers filter block to be on top, move the "@manufacturersFilter" above the "@priceRangeFilter".