
Profile: mstuart


User posts

10 years ago

I'm having trouble getting the Nop JCarousel to work using the "Also Purchased Products" data source type.

The Nop JCarousel works fine with other datasource types such as "Recently Viewed Products" or "Related Products".  I have changed the data source type to these others and Nop JCarousel displays as expected.  However, if I change it back to use the "Also Purchased Products" data source type, it does not display.

I double checked to make sure the data is there for the product I'm testing.  When I add the HTML Action to the page as follows...

@Html.Action("ProductsAlsoPurchased", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id })

... This works.

So I'm at a loss here as to why the Nop JCarousel will not display the "Also Purchased Products".

I'm using version 3.0.

Any known issues with this?

Boyko wrote:

Hi mstuart,

In which theme did you test?

I first noticed it on my custom theme.  However, I observed the same issue when I browsed to the Nop Ajax Filters demo page.

Using Google Chrome - Version 30.0.1599.69 m

I'm testing the Nop Ajax Filters in IE, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc and noticed that the AjaxLoader.gif is not animated (does not spin) in Google Chrome browser.

10 years ago

Are FeaturedProducts available in version 3.0?

I have featured products in a category, but they do not display.

I'm testing it out and when I step into the code, item.CategoryModel.FeaturedProducts.Count is always equal to zero (0) even when there are featured products.

Below is a code I added.

foreach (var featured in item.CategoryModel.FeaturedProducts)
     <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Product", new { SeName = featured.SeName })" title="@featured.Name">@featured.Name</a>

Boyko wrote:
The Mega Menu is integrated into nopCommerce via a widget zone, which by default is "content_before". You can change the widget zone to be "left_side_column_before" by editing this file: Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu\SupportedWidgetZones.xml
Then restart nopCommerce and the Mega Menu will be shown on the left side column.
Then it is a matter of css modifications to make it look as you want.

Perfect!  That was very easy to change.  Thank you!

Is there a relatively easy way to replace the standard left hand navigation with a vertical Nop MegaMenu to display only the top level categories (marked as 'Show on home page')?

My client really likes the Nop MegaMenu, but would like it to work as part of the left navigation instead of the top menu.



Example:  On a category page, if you click on the last button in the pagination and then click any filter item.  It displays the "NO RESULTS FOUND" dialog.  

I think the Nop Ajax Filters should override the current pagination and begin the filtering process  starting with page 1... or at the very least least give a better explanation other than results not found.


10 years ago

Boyko wrote:

Hi Mike,

Pretty good guess! What you have done is perfectly fine and the JCarousel should be shown in the tabs. Do you have any javascript errors in the browser? The styling might need some fine tuning, so that the JCarousel looks nice inside a tab. If you can share a link to your site, so that we can take a look and see if we could help.

I do not have any javascript errors on the page.  Unfortunately, I'm still developing the site on my laptop using Visual Studios 2012 and do not have a live site link to share with you.  I know that this makes it more difficult to help, but I was curious if you have examples of a Nop JCarousel displayed inside a Nop Quick Tab.

I did observe a few things...

1) When the page loads...

I have 2 tabs (Tab1 and Tab2).  Tab1 displays by default.  Tab2 has the JCarousel in it.

When I click Tab2 the JCarousel displays, but the items are wrapped vertically and not aligned horizontal as expected.

2) If I re-size or maximize the page or if I click on the jcarousel-prev / jcarousel-next arrows the items are corrected and display as expected.

10 years ago

What would be the best way to display a JCarousel inside a tab?

I attempted to do the following in _ProductTabs.cshtml

var relatedProducts = Html.Widget("relatedProducts_jcaroussel").ToHtmlString();
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relatedProducts))
     divs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("tab-relatedProducts", relatedProducts));
     <li><a href="#tab-relatedProducts">Related Products</a></li>        

The above was my best guess.

The JCarousel does shows up in the tab, but the formatting (HTML,CSS) is completely messed up.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


10 years ago

IvanStoyanov wrote:

Hi mstuart,

We are happy to announce, that the performance issues with the Nop Ajax Filters plugin has been fixed. Now the plugin is very fast. Also we have configured it to work on manufacturer pages.
To use the new features, you need to download the package from our website, replace the Nop Ajax Filters and Core plugins and re-install the Nop Ajax Filters plugin.

Ivan Stoyanov

Perfect!  Thank you very much!