
Profile: Ladd Nichols


User posts

one year ago

Anywhere Sliders plugin 4.5 is generating database error:

Short message Invalid column name 'PauseOnHover'.
Full message Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'PauseOnHover'.
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.<>c.<ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync>b__207_0(Task`1 result)

It seems that the nop-templates db upgrade scripts are having issues.

Is anyone else aware of this or experiencing problems? Awaiting resolution to upgrade system

Anywhere Sliders plugin 4.5 is generating database error:

Short message Invalid column name 'PauseOnHover'.
Full message Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'PauseOnHover'.
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.<>c.<ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync>b__207_0(Task`1 result)

It seems that the nop-templates db upgrade scripts are having issues.

Is anyone else aware of this or experiencing problems? Awaiting resolution to upgrade system

2 years ago

So, the solution would be to reinstall, without uninstalling? or simply update?

2 years ago

If I reinstall the plugins, we have the Ultimate Collection for multi store. Will I lose all the work we already created in all the plugins????

2 years ago

I cannot get this application to work on my site, does not show up anywhere.

I have purchased the nopCommerce Removal Key and put in in place. But, I cannot seem to get rid of the nopCommerce logo on search engine results or on the search engine tabs when my website is up.

We use our logo in the theme, and it works, just can't get rid of the nopCommerce logo on search results or the top tabs?

Hope you can help??

4 years ago

How do I edit the contact list at the bottom of the home page. See link, it is NOT in the very bottom footer, it is in the gray box, just above the footer..

Thanks, worked like a charm....

I have version 3.9 of Motion Theme from NOP Templates.  

There is a very large space between the picture and the Full Description of the product, it makes it hard for a typical customer to see, without knowing to scroll down to see the description.  How do I reduce this space?

The link below is a representative page from the website.  You can see the picture and short description information to the right of the picture, then way down, below the picture is where the Full Description starts.