
Profile: LASRapp


User posts

8 years ago

First off, thank you for a great plugin. The abandoned cart helps to recover customers, and customers really like getting a "personal-feeling" email from us, a couple weeks after the sale. I do have a few suggestions to improve an already great product.

1. ALMOST A BUG. Use the billing address email for the reminders, not the account email (or allow this to be selected as an option). We use nopcommerce for mostly online sales, but we do have an extended sales force that have "special" roles that identify them as such. They take orders from customers and drop them into our system, either manually, or in a few cases, automatically. The customer role is how they are identified for commissions. When an order completed reminder goes out, it goes to them, not the customer. If billing email was used, it would go to the customer.

2. "Opt-out" token/logic for reminders, that the customer can click. On rare occasions, we've had someone get annoyed about an abandoned cart reminder, which we only send out twice. It might be nice if there was some sort of customer accessible opt-out function for reminders, either by reminder type or overall, or both.

A couple other ideas I've had seem to have been suggested already. Anywho, thanks again!

We're already running 3.6. Can you provide an explanation for how to do this?