
Profile: winebear


User posts

OK, #1658 raised

Yes, hence my ORIGINAL question "to trigger some javascript that is run BEFORE the filtering takes place"

This is not working.
Whilst the code I have added sets the item to appear selected momentarily, it then deselects itself straight afterwards. I assume there is something in your javascript that checks the links once the ajax call has been made, and corrects any that are incorrect.
Can you take a look and let me know?

Thank you Iliyan

To clarify, I want to tick options within the same group. Ticking one option from a group will not disable other items from the same group, so I cannot see why there would be a problem.

Surely I just need to check that the item is not disabled before ticking it though?

8 years ago

Perfect, works a treat, thank you

We would like to hook in to the javascript for when someone clicks on a filter, to trigger some javascript that is run BEFORE the filtering takes place.
The reason for this is that when a user clicks some specific filters, we want to automatically click other filters.
Can you clarify the best way of achieving this?

9 years ago

I need to do something similar, can you clarify what event I would need to hook in to (for the JavaScript) to do this each time a filter is selected (so that I can hide, or re-show, as appropriate)?

We are setting up a wine store. Most wine comes in a standard bottle size (75cl) but you can also get half bottles and magnums for many of the wines we will be selling. We can use product variants to handle this, but since most people will want to see the standard 75cl bottle price, we only want to show the 75cl price on the products grid page, rather than "from £[price of cheapest variant]".

Additionally, we want to offer discounts for buying a case (12 bottles) or half case (6 bottles). Again, in the product listing page, we just want so show the single bottle price, possibly with some text that says "discounts available for case / half case".
We are using the Traction Theme and Ajax Filters.
Is there a way to achieve this with standard nop, or do I need to make some customizations to the nopCommerce code, or is this not possible due to the fact that the data is returned by Ajax Filters?
Note I have posted a similar question on the nopCommerce forums ( but as yet I have not had a response.

Thanks in advance.