
Profile: Damir


User posts

7 years ago

Hi there...
We have a problem with the theme and I wonder if it's possible to fix it.
We have a multi site installation, where the main site is using default theme and another one is running Pavilion. The problem is that product categories should have different images on these two sites. They also have different sizes and it looks a bit weird on the site with Pavilion theme. Ans we really need different images for categories, it's not just the size issue. We have category routers for example, and we need to show different router as category image so we don't have wrong brand product on any of those sites (it will be 4-5 different sites eventually).

So how can it be done? Is it possible to make category information different on a site basis?
Thanx in advance,

7 years ago

Boyko wrote:
Hi Damir,

I can assure you that we will correct these to be settings rather than resources.

Hi there!
I just wanted to check if this is implemented as setting now. We want to release another site, but we need different contact information in footer.

This is taking ages to implement, and we are forced to download everything all the time.
Could you at least place version info on My Downloads page for all products we bought?
Or send out a mail to customers based on their purchases when you update something?

8 years ago

Hi Boyko!
Yeah, I know I'll need to extend the licence, but I wanted to see if it works for my project. There are some smaller issues and questions, but if You do change those things to settings I'll definitely upgrade my licence (I hope it's possible). I'll send you a mail with request for styling of HelpDesk plugin, it's mostly some buttons and positioning of few blocks. Also, I'll need to translate everything to Swedish. I just wonder if you will maybe start collecting language resources that users could provide after translating. It'd be a great service to your users I suppose. Let me know so I can export then somehow. Have a nice weekend,

8 years ago


I've installed the theme on one of three sites (multi-site) and I do like it...
There are some issues tho. I was considering using it on maybe both, or all three sites with some modifications.
There are some theme settings (or actually resources), like address and other stuff in the footer thhat  should definitely be moved to plugin settings, so they can be managed separately for every store.
Right now I'll have to live with same address/mail etc and it's not good. Can you move that to settings? It has nothing to do with language strings anyway.
Also, I  have bought pllugin bundle with HelpDesk, but that one loooks rather crappy when implemented on site with Pavillion theme. What to do about thatt one?


Nothing yet I suppose?

Hi... Do we always have to download our plugin collections just to check out if there's a new version published, or do you announce that somewhere in the blog/forums/anything?