
Profile: C.A.LL


User posts

10 years ago

ok, Thanks

10 years ago

I have disabled the welcome page option from the menu Administrator -> Content Management-> Topics-> HomePageText but still showing me. Am I doing something wrong?

10 years ago

Can anyone tell me about this?


10 years ago

Good morning,
I am a new user of the beautiful theme, after trying the issue for a few days I've only found two small problems.

1) resolutions of 320x480 and 360x640 for mobile pictures of featured products are not displayed.

2) If we disable support for currency and language in the header of the page is a very big from the top of the page to store the title of this occurs in space resolutions of 320x480, 360x640, 768x1024.

Can be solved somehow these two points.


10 years ago

Hi Boyco

I've solved the problem, I imported English strings in resources folder that is in plugins and have translated into my language.

Thanks, I'm new and I have little experience with nopCommerce.

10 years ago

The problem is that these chains are not even in English language, the other chains are correct, with my language. Examples of strings that I need:


and some appear to be more characteristic of the subject.

I get the impression that the chains have overwritten when importing from a local file. Is there any way to recover them without typing them one by one.


10 years ago

There are some strings that are not translated into my language, for example (the titles footer). Can I enter multilanguage chains or need to edit the code?.
