
Profile: iliyan.tanev


User posts

7 years ago


We've managed to reproduce the problem locally. The steps are accurate but the main problem are the country, zip and state.

Thank you for you feedback! We will look into it and keep you posted for the solution.

7 years ago


Here is a video of our results with your changes on the latest version of the plugin.


Did you check your plugin version from System -> System Information? Maybe something wasn't set right.

Did you clear your browser cache along with IIS server's cache? This is a common problem.

7 years ago


Thank you for the detailed information, but even by following the steps I couldn't reproduce the issue.

As I said in the ticket you are running a very old build version of the plugin and you should update it to the latest version. Just re-download the plugin package and replace it on your nop instance. Of course, it would be better to do it locally before upgrading on you life stores.

1. Download locally the store instance you want to update
2. Download the plugin package
3. Replace the existing (old) version of the plugin with the new one
4. Merge your changes in the views (I didn't notice any custom changes in the js files)
5. Make sure you have restarted your server (edit your global.asax file to ensure that there won't be any caching left)
6. Try to reproduce the issue.

We are looking forward to your reply!

7 years ago


It is our practice to handle every special issue through the ticketing system. This way we can have the client history along with his licenses. Would it be possible to submit a ticket with the error?

However, according to the error, there is a problem with the views. My guess is that you have updated from earlier version of the plugin or nopCommerce and you haven't replaced the views.

7 years ago


It seems like there is a problem, but we couldn't reproduce the issues ourselves. Do you have custom modifications to the views?

It would be best to open a ticket so we can see your product version, maybe a link to your site where we can reproduce and further investigate this issue.

7 years ago


We have enabled specifications in Quick Tabs on our Pavilion demo which is running nopCommerce 3.70 and everything seems to be fine.

Can you check your System -> Log for errors related to your problem and share the error with us? Maybe open a ticket with admin credentials so we can check for ourselves.


7 years ago


If you are asking if your blog posts will still be available for use - they will. The rich blog plugin will just let you distributed you blog posts into categories, have previews, share buttons, the most friendly search available using Lucene and much more control on where to show your blog post previews. 

My point is that the rich blog plugin is not a new blogging engine, but it is an upgrade to the old one.

Hope this helps!

7 years ago


$.event.trigger({ type: "nopAjaxCartButtonsAddedEvent" });

7 years ago


Yes, we have a replaceWishlistButtons function that is triggered when the ajax cart buy buttons are added. When we add the buy buttons we trigger nopAjaxCartButtonsAddedEvent event.

Unfortunately, we are not exposing the replaceWishlistButtons function and everything in the script is in IIFE so you won't be able to access the function. Your only option would be to trigger the nopAjaxCartButtonsAddedEvent event after your ajax content has loaded.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago


Unfortunately, the Store locator is currently not connected to the orders or to the "Pick Up In Store". There are also no notifications in Store locator. It is used only for navigation purposes and store listing purposes. 

However, you can make your suggestions in our UserVoice portal.