
Profile: frutafresca


User posts

9 years ago


9 years ago


We have a fasion shop and we´d like to add photos to our clothes by color...
As show here:

How we do that? First we need to create the Product Attribute as a “Color Square”…
Then how we assign an individual photos to an specific Attritube?


9 years ago

We deleted the code from the page "CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml".

If there is a best way to do it just tell ue..


9 years ago

Thanks.. The  Nop Anywhere Sliders works perfect!!!

But I need a favor.. How to hide the list of sub-categories and the list of products?

We only want the main image and no more.. The categories are already in the sidebar.


10 years ago

Thanks a lot of.
The latest upgrade worked.
Thanks a lot of

10 years ago


We want to change the Manufacturers and Main Categories pages.

We don´t want the list of products. We want some banners like this example:

How we can do it?

Thanks a lot of,

10 years ago

Thanks a lot offf..
I´ll work in this way these days
; )

10 years ago


We are customizing the Neo Fashion Theme and we´d like to change the main image from home with an slider and 2 ads as you can be see here:

We are not expertrs in Nop so we´d like a recommendation how is the best way to modify NeoFashion them to do it.


10 years ago


I´m upgrading Nop 3.2 to 3.3.
I already upgraded NOP sucessfully.

But in the NepFashion Thme Upgrade step: "4. Execute 7Spikes_upgrade.sql script over your database" I´m getting this error in my SQL:

Msg 40514, Level 16, State 1, Line 233
'Filegroup reference and partitioning scheme' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
Msg 40510, Level 16, State 1, Line 163
Statement 'SELECT INTO' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.

Our SQL is an Azure SQL.

Someone can help me?


10 years ago


We will begin to do some customization's to the NeoFashion Responsive Theme.

First we will add some menus in the "HeaderLinks.cshtml"

We see all links as the form:
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("CustomerInfo")">@Model.CustomerEmailUsername</a></li>

So how we add new variables to the model?
We dont want add it in this way:
<li><a href=""></a></li>
