
Profile: Hass


User posts

You need to add in your controller this property also public IMyService MyService
                if (_myService == null)
                    return EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IMyService>();

                return _myService;
And then you use MyService property and its not null anymore


I added new table to the database and added new view to admin everything work fine for me except when trying to accessing the new service that i have create the plugins give an error
if I uninstall the plugins everything work fine how can it seems that any change to the catalogcontroller constructor breaks all the plugin how can I access my service?


10 years ago


I want to disable ajax when user use filter on product page.
I have a banner on home page when user click on it it will redirect to product page filtered by category and by manufacturer when user click on the banner the product page load for the specific
category then u will see the loading picture that filter for manufacturer inside that category what I want is to load the category filtered by manufacturer when the page load for the first time I don't know if disabling ajax should solve this can anyone help.



-I have configured the catalog listing in public store to show 4 product box per grid line in grid view
by changing the following code  @(Html.DataList7Spikes<ProductOverviewModel>(Model.Products,3,
                    @<div class="item-box">
                        @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", item)
in CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml

to @(Html.DataList7Spikes<ProductOverviewModel>(Model.Products,4,
                    @<div class="item-box">
                        @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", item)
when I first click on a category it shows 4 product per grid line as expected but when using the ajax filters like the price specs or attributes it then shows 3 product box per line even if the search result return more than 4 products

How can I solve this problem

- I have manage to configure the catalog in public store so when clients hover a image it will change to another one how can I leave the quick view but instead of showing it on hover I want it to always be shown like for example in place of the add cart button


11 years ago


1-90% of times the  nop jcarousel in home screen don't auto scroll after 1 second I have to manually scroll it for the first time after that it begin working as expected

2-is there a settings to limit the number of manufacturer that are shown inside the mega menu?

11 years ago


1-Can the filter be integrated in manufacturer page I mean it should be integrated in all product Overview pages the template look diffrent when showing product details in manufacturer
how can I integrate the filter by code because I think there is no way to do this from nopcommerce

2-can anywhere slider be linked to specific Manufacturer now i can integrate the same slider for all the manufacturer how can I show diffrent sliders for diffrent manufacturer im using nopcommerce 2.8


11 years ago


I manage to make it work by changing inside categoryMenuTemplate view

11 years ago

For the Reordering of items in menu and adding custom link I guess it can be done by changing inside MegaMenu.cshtml so this cant be done from admin side?

in the MegaMenu View  can I change CategoriesHtml property so I can find add the css class to the catgory that I want to change the look if not how can this be done in nopcommerce 2.65

11 years ago


I'm trying to add a sale item to the menu in Fashion Theme (nopcommerce 2.65)  so what i did is creating a new category named sale and I link my products to it but I need to change the look of the "Sale" item in menu like colored in Red is there a way to specify a css class to categories that are showing in fashion theme menu if not is there any workaround I can do.
also can I add "New Products" Item to the menu and how can I control the order of items showing   on  the menu

Best regards,