
Profile: todor.atanasov


User posts

one year ago

andypulse wrote:
When we buy this theme and install it do we have the ability to make changes to the underlying HTML/CSS/Javascript coding?


You are able to make any customizations to the HTML/CSS files that you need. However, the JavaScript files are minified, so if you are encountering any bugs, you have to contact us via the support system on our website and provide us with the details about the issue, then we would provide a fix for the problem.

itinnovations wrote:
The problem with using a filtered url, it is ugly and cannot be re-written using a url rewrite module. This is because of using the # in the url which is only interpreted by the browser.

Is there any way to rewrite the following url to a human readable format? I do not think so. This would require the plugin to be modified.




Unfortunately, we cannot change the way our plugin works.

You may consider using the nopCommerce default filters functionality, which was added in the last versions.

one year ago

porcelanosa wrote:
Due to much spam we are forced to change URL of contact us page, how can we do it? Thanks in advance


Thank you for your reply!

The pages in nopCommerce can be managed under Content management -> Topics (pages).

You may change the Search engine friendly page name for a given page if you want to change it's URL handle.

That is of course first thing i went to do, but there is no trace of contact us page. Or better to say no trace of that exact contact us page. Since one we have is unpublished and using completely different url than one that is present on site.


Sorry for the misunderstanding!

The default contact us page in nopCommerce is not related to our products and it's route is registered in \Infrastructure\RouteProvider.cs.

You would have to modify the nopCommerce source code in order to change it.

one year ago

porcelanosa wrote:
Due to much spam we are forced to change URL of contact us page, how can we do it? Thanks in advance


Thank you for your reply!

The pages in nopCommerce can be managed under Content management -> Topics (pages).

You may change the Search engine friendly page name for a given page if you want to change it's URL handle.

webnopweblink wrote:
Dear Everyone,
I have this problem. We would prefer that the link in the frontend created by the Nop Attachment plugin would generate a (PDF in our case) file to be opened in the browser if possibile (and not downloaded).
I noticed that it's downloaded because in the HTTP response headers there is "content-disposition: attachment;", and in order to be opened in browers it should be "content-disposition: inline;".
Is there by any cache a way to do it?

Best Regards


Thank you for reaching out!

You may edit the \Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.Attachments\Views\_RenderAttachment.cshtml file by changing the target HTML attribute value to _blank

target="_blank" will force the browser to open a new tab.

one year ago

mstuart wrote:

Maybe a scheduling option for excluding the slider for certain days will do the trick here, but currently, there is no such option in our scheduling.

Can you suggest it to our UserVoice portal?

Currently, we do not have the resources to do it, but if it gets enough customer attention we will have it planned and implement it. By suggesting it to our UserVoice you will be able to follow the state of the feature. You will be notified by email when it is planned, started and completed.

We use a single slider for our homepage.  Inside that slider, we have multiple images.
We need to schedule individual images not the entire slider.


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Unfortunately, such feature is not present and we don't plan to implement it, mainly due to performance concerns.

You may however, create different sliders and schedule them, instead of having a single one. wrote:

I meet a problem about Anywhere Sliders plugin.
Recreate steps:
On the Anywhere Sliders list page (admin area), click the Delete button in grid to delete an item. The following error returned:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

Can reproduce on Admin Demo with the same steps.

Can anyone please add some suggestions on this? Many thanks!


Thank you for reaching out and reporting this!

We have resolved the issue and have deployed the changes. Please update the plugin and let me know if you have any other issues.

2 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
Good Day

We are using this plugin on more than 100 of our client websites. The reCAPTCHA on the Quick Tabs "Contact us" section is missing. We getting 100's of spam coming through due to this.
How do we re-enable reCAPTCHA for this plugin?


Since 4.2, it is now possible again and we have added the Google reCaptcha to the Quick Tabs plugin.

In order for the captcha to be enabled on the Contact us tab, you need to have CAPTCHA Enabled in the General Settings, as well as Show on contact us page enabled.

Bear in mind that v3 reCaptcha by Google is not visible on the website itself.

If you still have any trouble with enabling the captcha, please submit a ticket in our support system.


If you wish all the items to appear in the top menu, rather than categories on the left sidebar, you may set the Template of the items in question to Simple.

2 years ago

dursunkarabatak wrote:
Hello i am using Store Locator at the address. I have created an api key. But it doesn't work. What's the trouble? is the "maps javascript api" application paid for? or am I doing it wrong somewhere.



Thank you for reaching out to us!

Unfortunately, Im not able to see the error on the page in question. Could you please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with more details?