
Profile: ryaneklipse


User posts

5 years ago

Great! I'll post a ticket for the issue I'm having then.

As for the dots, how do I change them to arrows? Am I just missing an admin option on the cloud zoom carousel option?

5 years ago

Hey everyone!

So I found a potential bug with cloud zoom using the jcarousel for the product thumbnails. The issue is that, only in desktop mode, the thumbnails repeat in the jacarousel. When in mobile / tablet, it has the correct number in images based on the product, which is strange. Is this potentially something on my side? We haven't made any changes to cloud zoom, and I don't think we've made any changes to the jcarousel either. Also when turning off the jcarousel option in the cloud zoom plugin, the product shows the correct number of images in desktop mode.

Also while I'm here, I have 2 questions about the jcarousel / cloud zoom. Is  there any way to change the option from dots to arrows? And if not, is there a way to change the active picture based on the dot clicked?


5 years ago

Thanks so much for the response, I followed your instructions and found a library with the icon I was looking for. It works great, thanks for the help!

5 years ago

Hey everyone!

I'm working on adding some different social icons, but would like to match the current format of the social icons on the prisma nop-template. Looking at the other icons, they use the prisma font-family which is defined here:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'prisma';
    src:  url('../font/prisma.eot?xwq28l');
    src:  url('../font/prisma.eot?xwq28l#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
    url('../font/prisma.ttf?xwq28l') format('truetype'),
    url('../font/prisma.woff?xwq28l') format('woff'),
    url('../font/prisma.svg?xwq28l#prisma') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

I'm curious, is there any way to view the entirety of the font family? And if anyone knows specifically, does this font-family have an icon for Houzz?
