
Profile: zjerry


User posts

10 years ago

(Concerns NeoFashion theme posted here by mistake BTW How can I remove my post?)
I've uninstalled and deleted all 3.0 plugins and theme, then copied new 3.02 files and installed them again.
The top level menu now appears like it has no styling at all...
It is now vertical and looks like regular links.
The submenu items looks properly.

10 years ago

Works perfectly - thanks!

10 years ago

Can you please point me what changes you've made so I could apply them to my already modified styles.css?

10 years ago

When UE cookies warning dialog appears, due to browser window size, in the Anywhere Sliders area - then it disappears or is partially overlapped when sliders animates...
Also the Mega-menu overlaps the UE dialog.
There is an option to see the Privacy Info topic in the UE dialog. When one chooses to see that within the dialog then its size (in my case) becomes very tall. It would be convinient to implement the fixed size dialog with vertical scrollbar as it is done when you read the terms of service in dialog during checkout.

10 years ago

Thanks a lot!

10 years ago

When I enable the 'Enable Default Zoom On Click' option and browse product images in full size then the 'Previous' image overlay appears when hoover on the left side of image but the 'Next' image overlay never shows. Clicks works as expected so I can switch to next, previous images.

11 years ago

Thanks, now it looks ok.

Can you point me to where I can localize the 'close' tooltip that appears when hoovering over 'X' button in those dialogs?

Also I've found one hard coded string in the:
   at line 96:  title="View details"
which probably should be placed in resources.

11 years ago

2.8 upgraded to 3.0
In every modal popup like the one with UE cookies warning or other with terms acceptance during checkout there is no 'X' mark to dismiss the dialog. There is ugly capitalized 'CLOSE' string on white background instead, which is not even right aligned.
Also, in the quick-view the 'X' dialog dismissing button is to bright when mouse-over - you have a feeling that you dont have any buton to click to on the brighter-set monitor.

Ok, got it!

Here is the summary of the changes:

1. The Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.AjaxFilters\Views\PriceRangeFilterSlider7Spikes\PriceRangeFilterSlider.cshtml now reads like:

@** Copyright 2012 Seven Spikes Ltd. All rights reserved. (

@using Nop.Core.Infrastructure;
@using Nop.Services.Catalog;

    var priceFormatter = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IPriceFormatter>();

@model SevenSpikes.Nop.AjaxFilters.Models.PriceRangeFilterSlider.PriceRangeFilterModel7Spikes

<div class="priceRangeFilterPanel7Spikes" data-currentCurrencySymbol="@Model.CurrencySymbol">
    <div class="block filter-block">
        <div class="title">
            <a class="toggleControl">@T("SevenSpikes.NopAjaxFilters.Client.PriceRangeFilter.Title")</a>
            <a class="clearPriceRangeFilter">@T("SevenSpikes.NopAjaxFilters.Client.Common.Clear")</a>
            <div class="clear"></div>
        <div class="filtersGroupPanel">
            <div class="priceRangeMinMaxPanel">
                <span class="priceRangeMinPanel">
                    <span class="priceRangeMinPrice">@priceFormatter.FormatPrice(Model.MinPrice)</span>
                <span class="priceRangeMaxPanel">
                    <span class="priceRangeMaxPrice">@priceFormatter.FormatPrice(Model.MaxPrice)</span>
            <div id="slider" data-sliderMinValue="@Model.MinPrice" data-sliderMaxValue="@Model.MaxPrice"
                data-selectedFromValue="@Model.SelectedPriceRange.From" data-selectedToValue="@Model.SelectedPriceRange.To" >
            <div class="priceRangeCurrentPricesPanel">
                <span class="currentMinPrice">@priceFormatter.FormatPrice((decimal)Model.SelectedPriceRange.From)</span>
                <span class="currentMaxPrice">@priceFormatter.FormatPrice((decimal)Model.SelectedPriceRange.To)</span>
            <div class="clear"></div>

2. In the Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.AjaxFilters\Themes\NeoFashion\Content\SevenSpikesNopUI.css
I've changed (or added) the following styles:
.priceRangeMinMaxPanel {
    overflow: hidden;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
.priceRangeMinPanel .priceRangeMinPrice {
    text-transform: lowercase;
.priceRangeMaxPanel .priceRangeMaxPrice{
    text-transform: lowercase;
.priceRangeCurrentPricesPanel .currentMinPrice {
    float: left;
    text-transform: lowercase;
.priceRangeCurrentPricesPanel .currentMaxPrice {
    float: right;
    text-transform: lowercase;

3. In the Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.AjaxFilters\Scripts\PriceRangeFilterSlider.min.js
I've replaced all occurrences of:
x + z.toFixed()

z.toFixed() + ' ' + x

where x stands for $(".priceRangeFilterPanel7Spikes").attr("data-currentCurrencySymbol")
and z stands for specific values

Now everthing works and looks correct.
Thank you.

11 years ago

Solved, thanks.