
Profile: PhokasWeb


User posts

Valentin wrote:

I just downloaded the most recent 3.80 version of the plugin and overwritten it in my plugins folder. I did as you asked, but still the category I want to hide in the fold out is present. If I uncheck the "show in menu" option, the category disappears from the whole menu but also the navbar at the top.

Greetings Jef,

In order to show a category in the top menu, you need to make sure it is not set as a Sub-category of something else. Go to your theme administration -> Catalog -> Categories and select the category you want to show in the top-menu and click Edit. There you need to change the Parent category to none and check the checkbox - Include in top menu. This will exclude it from the list of the other category and place it in the top menu on its own.


Thank you for your reply. It seems that this function was not working in 3.80. After the update to 3.90 it started functioning properly.


I just downloaded the most recent 3.80 version of the plugin and overwritten it in my plugins folder. I did as you asked, but still the category I want to hide in the fold out is present. If I uncheck the "show in menu" option, the category disappears from the whole menu but also the navbar at the top.


We recently decided to display one category in the mega menu header. We don't want it to show on the previous category menu item.

Please see for an example. You can see that the item "Pasfoto's" is already implemented on the menu, and is also visible when you hover over item "Aanbod". Is there any way to keep "Pasfoto's" as an item, and remove it from the detail of "Aanbod"?

Thank you?

7 years ago


I would like to pull the mega menu out of the

<div class="master-wrapper-content"></div>

And put it above that to achieve a full width mega menu. Where can I do this?